IF I WERE U - on the init of the timer method call -
check to see if the faxobject state is active, then if so, don't use the
timer object at all.
it may be you need to decouple something in your application, making it 2
applications where one does some workhorse stuff (like faxing) and the other
is the regular application.
I'm sure there are other approaches to this, and it may be that I've indeed
missed the main gist of the issue you're trying to solve. Tell me more
about your faxobject? which one? which vendor? how's it coded up to interact
with VFP?
hth - regards [Bill]
William Sanders / EFG VFP / mySql / MS-SQL
www.terrafox.net www.viasqlserver.net
Post by isohi everybody,
I have faxobject and timer in my application. It seems like timer event and
faxobject evnts block each other. How can I run them in thread.